Thursday, December 07, 2006

25% Ad Spend Will Be Online Within Decade

An analyst on CNBC today said that the growth curve of online ad spend percentages (within company's overall advertising budgets) will reflect the growth curve allocated to TV media spend percentages. I agree.

When TV 1st came out, there was a lot of hoop'la and fear that all media money would stop flowing to traditional media at the time (radio and print), and all go to TV.

There are many parallels between the growth of advertising online to the growth of TV. Despite what all the experts said at the time of TV's beginnings, just 25% of most balanced media budgets are allocated to TV.

10 years from now we'll look back and notice most companys' media budgets allocate just 25% to online media. Offline media will be thriving, including print, TV and radio.

j. Bruce

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